My {heart} lives here. |
My son & his Daddy have an amazing bond. From the first days in the hospital with Mini Man I have been in awe of of Daddy BE. Watching him with our son while we where both overwhelmed with the emotions of welcoming our little guy into the world (and I was overloaded with the happy love hormones coursing through my veins) confirmed what I already knew, he was going to be the best Daddy in the Whole. Wide. World.
Now of course, he's not perfect, no one is. He stumbles sometimes, doesn't get all the stuff right. Is hopeless at things like: packing appropriate lunch for an outing; remembering all the right things to pack into a bag for an outing; putting singlets on the right way round.. the really super important sort of stuff that generally ends up the expertise of Mummies. But all of that aside: he is heavily involved in the daily routine and what Daddy brings to the table is so much more important than matching outfits!
Breakfast is Father Son time, while Mummy gets to sleep an extra 30mins, or sometimes more... I am spoilt! Every morning Mini Man 'helps' Daddy reverse the car out before he heads to work. All day I answer questions about 'where Daddy gone?' and am repeatedly confirming that yes, 'Daddy gone work'... and as the day draws to a close I am constantly asked 'when Daddy home?'... it is incredibly cute and it makes my heart sing to know that he loves his Daddy so :)
When Mini Man hears the garage door open, his face lights up with delight, coupled with a squeal of 'DADDY' and a run at high speed to the front door where he waits (im)patiently until Mummy says it's ok to run to the carport (after Daddy has stopped the car). Regardless of the time of day, Mini Man gets a period of uninterrupted time with Daddy from the minute that car door opens. They will take the dog for a walk, have a ride on the scooter, take the trike out for a spin, have a swim in the pool or go and look for 'shishies' (aka, fishies) in the creek behind our house... Time permitting, there is often a combination of these.
Last weekend Daddy BE & Mini Man had an expedition to the local tackle shop to buy a fishing rod and several attempts over the weekend to land the big one went unsuccessful, much to Daddy BE's dismay. They tried the beaches and had a go down at the small creek behind the house. Tonight... SUCCESS... they caught their very first fish! Daddy BE took Mini Man down to the creek for a Friday evening adventure as soon as he arrived home. It was a joy to see the smile on Mini Man's face as they came home & hear the garbled story in toddler speak of the one that didn't get away.
Ok, so Mini Man is a little short on smiles here... but when telling the story there were definite smiles! I think seeing his first live fish on a hook was a little confronting ;) |
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